Randen Mit Lakrize Salz ( 4 Personen )

- 6 Randen
- 1 Tasse Randen Saft
- 3 Esslöffel Butter
- 150g Ziegenkäse
- 1 Esslöffel Saltverk Lakrize Salz
Cut the root off the beets. Place beets in a baking pan and sprinkle them with licorice salt. Seal the baking pan with tinfoil. Bake beets at 355°F for 3 hours or until thoroughly baked. Peel the beets and cut into pieces of a size of your choice. Boil down the beet juice by half. Add the baked beets and mix in the cold butter.
Serve with goat cheese. Optional: smoke the goat cheese with apple wood to add a delicious smoky flavor.
Sellerieknolle in Lavakruste

- 1 small celery root
- 4 cups of flour
- 3 tbsp. Saltverk lava salt
Pour flour and lava salt in a bowl. Gradually add water and knead until the dough reaches a clay-like consistency. Cover the celery root with the dough. Bake at 150°C for two hours or until thoroughly bake.
Randen Mit Lakrize Salz ( 4 Personen )
6 Randen
1 Tasse Randen Saft
3 Esslöffel Butter
150g Ziegenkäse
1 Esslöffel Saltverk Lakrize Salz
Cut the root off the beets. Place...
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Randen Mit Lakrize Salz ( 4 Personen )

- 6 Randen
- 1 Tasse Randen Saft
- 3 Esslöffel Butter
- 150g Ziegenkäse
- 1 Esslöffel Saltverk Lakrize Salz
Cut the root off the beets. Place beets in a baking pan and sprinkle them with licorice salt. Seal the baking pan with tinfoil. Bake beets at 355°F for 3 hours or until thoroughly baked. Peel the beets and cut into pieces of a size of your choice. Boil down the beet juice by half. Add the baked beets and mix in the cold butter.
Serve with goat cheese. Optional: smoke the goat cheese with apple wood to add a delicious smoky flavor.
Sellerieknolle in Lavakruste

- 1 small celery root
- 4 cups of flour
- 3 tbsp. Saltverk lava salt
Pour flour and lava salt in a bowl. Gradually add water and knead until the dough reaches a clay-like consistency. Cover the celery root with the dough. Bake at 150°C for two hours or until thoroughly bake.